This easy walk covers the stretch of the river from just below the Stephens Tce Bridge to the Hackney Bridge. I think it covers one of the prettier and more interesting parts of the Torrens Linear Park. The starting point is a pleasant open area bounded by a loop of the Torrens at the end of Player Ave, off Tenth Ave, off Stephens Tce. 1 The view from this footbridge seems different from my last visit. The change of seasons, and even the time of day, make for a different picture. 2 We follow the river downstream. Although we are well into winter, the willows still add some pretty colour. 3 We soon come to the historic Gilberton swing bridge a drawcard for children, but perhaps not for those who prefer a stable footing. We will cross this bridge later on our return trip. 4 The track continues and passes under this busway bridge. Plenty of cyclists today! 5 So to this weir ... the upper of two close together. 6 Just here, on the east side of the river, is an old ox-bow (where did that name come from?) called The Billabong. It is an old bend in the river, now essentially separate apart from some small outflow. I found this small pampas plant along here. 7 There are many water birds here, including these visitors from Western Australia? 8 A nearby serpent may be about to cause trouble ... 9 Its not particularly scenic, but Second Creek flows out here into the Billabong. 10 Three swamp hens reflect on their future. 11 We return to the main river where an informative sign gives some history of the Billabong. Dating from its creation in the 1970s, the Billabong is a good example of the replanting of vegetation, and wetland creation. 12 A cormorant takes time to hang his washing out to dry ... 13 The lower of the two weirs lies alongside a large water catchment/treatment facility. 14 Downstream from the second weir is a pretty footbridge. We have to cross the river at this point, as the St Peters Caravan Park blocks further progress (unless we divert up the steps at right to Richmond Road). 15 A little further brings us to Hackney Bridge and the city boundary. We turn here, and retrace our steps. 16 We walk back to the footbridge, but dont cross it. The stretch of river just above this bridge is the home of Ratty, a very active water rat. We have seen him here on previous visits: he seems to have no fear of onlookers. 17 Continuing on, the track runs along Gilbert Street, where we can look down on the lower weir. 18 A beautiful flowering gum adds some welcome colour. 19 So to the upper weir, and a happy family picnic scene. 20 Just above this weir we found this unusual duck with its boofy tail! We think it might be a female hardhead duck. 21 The busway crosses here, but has minimal impact on this stretch of the river. 22 Now we are back at the swing bridge. The grassy area just here was occupied around 1930 by the Gilberton Amateur Swimming Club, and remnants of the steps and viewing platform can still be seen. 23 A certain R. F. Jervis appears to have been one of the keen (and wealthy?) participants at the club. There are steps to be negotiated here, much to the displeasure of the cyclists. |