ahaicon1  37. GETTING FIRED UP  backwardarrow1

Nick, Darryl and Ian live together in an old house which is heated by an open fire. In winter, the lads are always scrounging firewood to keep warm.

One cold night, Nick came home with three logs for the fire. and Darryl brought in five logs. Ian rushed in late with no logs.

‘Here is 80 cents as my contribution,’ he said. ‘Share it between you.’

‘I think we should have 40 cents each,’ said Nick. ‘After all, we are all getting the same warmth from the fire.’

‘Not so,’ answered Darryl. ‘Since I brought in five logs, I should get 50 cents.’

After a long and heated(!) debate, Nick finished up with 10 cents, and Darryl with 70 cents. Can you explain why this is a fair and equitable division?


Hint 1



