#2             79. TWO BY TWO             

Joe was the bookkeeper of the Acme Toy Company.  As he was taking a break during the annual stocktaking one year, his eye fell on the label on a box of balloons.

“What a curious word BALLOON is,” he mused to himself. Two Ls followed by two Os. I wonder whether there are any words in the English language which have in them two letters the same followed by two letters the same followed by two letters the same?”

But inspiration would not come, and Joe returned to his figures.

Can you think of any such word?


Write down as many words as you can with two pairs of letters to get a feel of the combinations.


By now you should know that most of these problems have a special trick to solve them. What special hint is contained within the problem?


word is BOOKKEEPER. It is contained in the text!


1. Are there any other such words? I don’t know of any!

2. Investigate other word problems of this type. For example: words containing all the vowels, all the vowels in order, sequences of two, three, four, etc letters, and so on. Such games make for good travel entertainment!