Welcome to the Fractals in Nature Photo Gallery. It is the purpose of this site to exhibit photographs which have their own intrinsic artistic merit, but which also illustrate the varied ways in which fractals appear in nature.

I have tried to introduce some classification of the fractals. There are probably many ways of doing this, but I think it is helpful to group together fractal occurrences in nature which have similar properties. An explanatory page precedes each such grouping.

If you have a photograph of your own which you would like to include on this site, I would be pleased to hear from you. Please send the .jpg file and some details to me at the email address below. All exhibited photographs will of course be acknowledged.

Where a photo has been taken from another website with copyright restrictions, those restrictions have been adhered to, and the site is acknowledged with a link. If you wish to make use of such photos, please go to the indicated site and read the restrictions before proceeding.

To the best of my knowledge, no other material exhibited on this site is subject to copyright. This is not always easy to guarantee, so if there is any unintentional breach, please contact me at the address below.

If teachers and educators are able to use any of this material for teaching purposes, with the above proviso, please feel free to do so. Acknowledgment of the source would be appreciated.

My own knowledge of fractals came from teaching a course based on Fractals for the Classrom Vols 1, 2 by Peitgen, H-O, Jürgens, H. and Saupe, D. These excellent books were later combined into the single volume Chaos and Fractals : New Frontiers of Science published by Springer-Verlag. I doubt whether this book can be bettered as an introduction to the subject.

And finally, if you spot any errors, typos, broken links etc please let me know. A site without errors is wondrous to behold!

Now, enjoy the exhibition!