14 Burke Street

This Anglican church has a pleasing interior and altar, lovely stained glass windows (A, B, C, D), and a rose window. There is a constructed link between church and hall. •••

The Victor Harbor district was initially part of the nearby parish of St Jude’s, Port Elliot, and it was not until 1870 that the original St Augustine’s church was built, largely through the efforts of local parishioners. The first church, dedicated to St Augustine of Hippo, was indeed small, measuring some 30 feet by 20 feet, with room for just four pews on each side of the aisle. The door was at the western end of the church.

The building was constructed of shell grit limestone quarried locally, and the roof and the floors were of slate. It was built in the scrub on the outskirts of town!

Since then the small church that was built in 1870 has seen many changes and additions. When the church tower and nave were added in 1922, the church assumed the fundamental shape and dimensions that it has today.

http://anglicanparishvictorharbor.org.au /history.html

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