Summing up

This brings us to the end of a long project. I have greatly enjoyed working with the polyhedra particularly, and have made a number of new personal discoveries along the way. If you have worked through these pages, I hope you too have enjoyed learning new and interesting facts, and have discovered afresh how beautiful these solids are.

It was never my intention to provide a complete listing of all the polyhedra. That would be an enormous task. Such a list would include

  the remaining stellations of the icosahedron (see Coxeter et al below)

  the stellations of the icosidodecahedron (see Wenninger below)

 the Catalan solids (see Wikipedia : Catalan below)

  the Johnson solids (see Wikipedia :Johnson below)

 the zonohedra (see Wikipedia : Zonohedron below)

and many others.

I hope you will feel encouraged to investigate these further.

Finally, I must say how amazed I have been at the beauty and complexity of the various applets which form part of this project. I express my sincere thanks to Bob Allanson who has spent so much time creating these. You’re a genius, Bob!

I am happy to receive from readers any comments or corrections to these pages.

Paul Scott


Coxeter, H. S. M., du Val, P., Flather, H.T., and Petrie, J. F., The 59 icosahedra, University of Toronto (1951).
                                [The classic reference on this topic.]
A newer version of this book can be accessed through Amazon on

Wenninger, M. J., Polyhedron models, Cambridge (1971).

Wikipedia :

Wikipedia :

Wikipedia :