Simple octahedron properties

The third in our listing of the regular polyhedra is the octahedron.

The name octahedron comes from the Greek octa + hedron meaning eight bases (faces). The basic properties of the octahedron are as listed below.

Name   Symbol      V       E       F       V – E + F   
{3, 4}

Each face is an equilateral triangle, each vertex figure a square. The face angles are clearly all 60°. The octahedron has an obvious centre where the three diagonals meet. This point is the centre of gravity, incentre, midcentre and circumcentre.

At right is the Schlegel diagram for the octahedron. Try to visualize how you would obtain this from the figure above. What does this representation tell us?

Let the octahedron have edge length s.

 (a) What is the length of the diagonals?
         Thinking of the octahedron as a double pyramid, can you now calculate its volume?
    (b) What is the area of each face? What is the surface area of the octahedron?  
    (c) It is easy to calculate the circumradius and the midradius. Can you also find the inradius?

Here is a summary of some of the metric attributes of a regular octahedron of side length s.

Surface area
Dihedral angle

  Double pyramids and antiprisms

The octahedron is usually pictured balancing on one vertex, giving us the picture of it as a double pyramid. There is a whole family of these bipyramids, but the octahedron is the only member which is regular.

Sketch the first three members of this family, where the base is {3}, {4}, {5}. Which ones have just regular faces? Which ones can have vertices all alike?

But the octahedron can also be pictured lying on a face.
In this position it can be classed as an antiprism.

Sketch the first three members of the prism family, having constant cross-sections {3}, {4}, {5} and vertical rectangular (square) faces. Which ones can have just regular faces? Which ones can have vertices all alike?

Starting with a prism, we form an antiprism by holding the top face constant and twisting the base in its plane. The square (or rectangular) vertical faces are now replaced with (equilateral) triangles. Sketch the first three members of the antiprism family, in which the top and bottom horizontal faces are {3}. {4}, {5}. Which ones can have just regular faces?  Which ones can have vertices all alike? regular?

Check your answers to the above three exercises ...

The octahedron is usually pictured balancing on one vertex, giving us the picture of it as a double pyramid. There is a whole family of these bipyramids, but the octahedron is the only member which is regular.

Sketch the first three members of this family, where the (internal) base is {3}, {4}, {5}. Which ones have just regular faces? Which ones can have vertices all alike?

But the octahedron can also be pictured lying on a face. In this position it can be classed as an antiprism.

Sketch the first three members of the prism family, having constant cross-sections {3}, {4}, {5}, and vertical rectangular (square) faces. Which ones can have just regular faces? Which ones can have vertices all alike?

Starting with a prism, we form an antiprism by holding the top face constant and twisting the base in its plane. The square (or rectangular) vertical faces are now replaced with (equilateral) triangles. Sketch the first three members of the antiprism family, in which the top and bottom horizontal faces are {3}, {4}, {5}. Which ones can have just regular faces?  Which ones can have vertices all alike? regular?

Let’s tackle these questions in order.

First the bipyramids. Each of the bipramids with (internal) bases {3}, {4}, {5} can have all their faces equilateral triangles. However, for the bipyramid with base {6}, and beyond, we run into trouble. Why is this? The octahedron is the only member of this class that can have all vertices alike, as it is the only member with the same number of faces about each vertex.

All members of the prism family can have all their faces regular, taking the vertical faces as squares. Here, the cube is the only member having all vertices alike, as this is the only case where all the faces are congruent.

With the antiprisms, again all members can have all their faces regular, taking all the linking triangles to be equilateral. Again taking all the triangles to be equilateral, each members can have all its vertices alike. The octahedron is now the only member having all vertex figures regular, as it is the only case where all the faces are congruent.

It can be fun exploring the different relationships between the various solids.

  Model making

You can make your own model octahedron, using the face template of suitable size given here.

A basic net (without tabs) for constructing the octahedron is shown at right. You might remember that in the case of the cube, there were eleven distinct nets, discounting reflection and rotation. So a natural question is: How many distinct nets are there for making an octahedron?

We could play the net game as before, but here is the solution:

We notice that there are eleven possibilities. Now a really interesting question arises. ‘Eleven’ is a reasonably uncommon number. So is there some explanation as to why the cube and the octahedron have the same number of nets? Typically, we would like to set up some one-to-one correspondence between the nets or between the solids, but it is not clear how this might be done, as the number of faces is different for the cube and the octahedron. Some answers can be found in the references below.

  Space tessellations

We have seen that cubes tessellate space, but that none other of the regular solids have this property. However, there is an interesting space tessellation involving the regular octahedron.

 (a) What is the dihedral angle of a regular octahedron?
    (b) Check the dihedral angle of the regular tetrahedron. What do you notice?

Check your answers ... .

Our results suggest that we might be able to pack tetrahedra around an octahedron with the solids sitting on a plane surface. This encourages us to think about space filling possibilities.

The adjacent figure shows an octahedron resting on one of its faces, and four tetrahedra. See how the solids pack together.

This shows that we can pack an octahedron and four tetrahedra to form a tetrahedron twice as large. This would give us a space tessellation if we could tile space with tetrahedra. Unfortunately ... ! Another idea would be to try to construct an octahedron twice as large as the original using octahedra and tetrahedra. If we could do this, then we could use an inductive argument with larger and larger solids.

However, there is a much easier way.

If you take an octahedron, and adjoin a tetrahedron on each of two opposite faces, what solid do you get? Can you tessellate space with this new solid?

Check your answer ... .

We notice that the shape formed in this way is a parallelopiped – a sort of sheared cube. It is intuitive that we can tessellate space with these parallelopipeds, and so with regular octahedra and tetrahedra.

A different approach is to revisit the tetrahedron inscribed in a cube. We notice that each of the four corners of the cube not occupied by the tetrahedron form an exact octant of a regular octahedron. Adjoining the cubes face to face so that the ‘free’ corners are placed together, gives a space filling arrangement of tetrahedra and octahedra.

  Cube inscribed in an octahedron

It is interesting to see how the various solids fit inside one another, as the tetrahedron in the cube above. Here is a figure of the cube inside an octahedron – a very simple combination of solids, with the eight vertices of the cube placed at the midpoints of eight of the twelve edges of the octahedron.

In how many ways can this be done? We will explore this further later on.

  Further properties

We will investigate some of the properties of the octahedron using our applet. Choose the octahedron setting in the menu.

Remember that the (parallel) projection of a solid can be thought of as the shadow it casts under exposure to parallel light rays.

 Play with the applet to obtain the following sequences of projections.
(a) square, rhombus, square.

(b) (non-square) rectangle, rhombus, rectangle.

(c) square, rectangle, hexagon, rhombus, hexagon, rectangle, square.

We next explore some rather different properties.

(a) In the skeletal view of the applet, hold the octahedron still, with one vertex closest to you. Suppose now that you take a sequence of slices (or sections) through the octahedron, parallel to, and starting from the near face, and moving towards the far face. What shape are they? (Trivial!)

(b) Next, hold the octahedron with one edge closest to you, and the opposite (not visible) edge furthest away. Now take sections parallel to ‘the plane of the screen’ starting from the nearest edge, and working towards the farthest face. What shapes do you get? Is there a special shape in the middle?

(c) Next, hold the octahedron with one face closest to you, and the opposite (not visible) face furthest away. Now take sections parallel to ‘the plane of the screen’ starting from the nearest face, and working towards the farthest face. What shapes do you get? Is there a special shape in the middle?

Finally, and just for fun

Experiment with the different applet views to obtain
(a) A square with diagonals
(b) A regular hexagon with an inscribed star of David.

In the case of the sections, in (a) we obtain a sequence of squares (probably placed on the diagonal!) which grow from a point and then diminish back to a point. In (b) we begin with (say) a horizontal line segment which turns into a rectangle, thickening and shortening to become a square, and then converting to a vertical segment. The sequence then reverses as we move to the far edge of the octahedron. Case (c) is the most interesting, beginning with an equilateral triangle, passing through a regular hexagon, and then changing to an inverted equilateral triangle. The behaviour is illustrated at right.

  Vertex coordinates

It is very easy to give a nice set of vertex coordinates for the octahedron. How would you do it?

Check your answer ...

  Vertex coordinates

It is very easy to give a nice set of vertex coordinates for the octahedron. How would you do it?

Since there are 3 axes and 6 vertices, we place the vertices on the axes, symmetrically about the origin O. We thus obtain the set:

(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1).

The numbers 3 and 6 are obviously related by  6 = 2 x 3.

  Real life occurrences

  I wonder if you can think of any real life occurrences of the octahedron? This exercise is getting progressively harder. Make a (short!) list here:

Here are a few examples ... .




Octahedron properties : http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Octahedron.html

Bipyramids and antiprisms

Antiprisms : http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Antiprism.html
Pyramids, prisms and antiprisms: Coxeter, H. S. M., Introduction to Geometry, Wiley (2nd Edition) 1961, Section 10.1.

Model making

The excellent model book: Wenninger, M. J., Polyhedron Models, Cambridge (1971).

Number of nets:

Buekenhout, F., Parker, M., ‘The number of nets of the regular convex polytopes in dimension 4’, Discrete Mathematics 186 (1998) 69 – 94.

Turney, P. D., ‘Unfolding the tesseract’, Journal of Recreational Mathematics 17 No. 1 (1984 –85) 1 – 16.

Space tessellations

Space filling: http://whistleralley.com/polyhedra/octahedron.htm
Rotating tetrahedron with octahedron missing:

Further properties

Sections and projections: http://whistleralley.com/polyhedra/octahedron.htm

(a) Suppose the octahedron has unit side length. Then looking at some simple right-angled triangles, we find that the dihedral angle for the octahedron is 2a, where tan a = 2. We deduce that the dihedral angle is 109.47°

(b) We discovered earlier that the dihedral angle of the regular tetrahedron is 70.53°. This means that the two dihedral angles are actually supplementary – they add to 180°.
(a) Each diagonal is the diagonal of a square of side length s, and so has length 2s. Thinking of the octahedron as a double pyramid, its volume is now ‘1/3 area of base times height’, which gives 1/3.s2. 2s = 2s3/3.
(b) The area of each face is 3s2/4. There are eight faces so the required surface area is 23s2.
(c) The circumradius is clearly half the length of a diagonal : 2s/2.
Similarly, the midradius is the distance from the centre to an edge : s/2.
Finding the inradius is a little harder.

Let AXY be a face of the octahedron, B the midpoint of XY, and C the centre of the octahedron. Now AC has length 2s/2, CB has length s/2, and AB has length 3s/2. We need to find the length r of the perpendicular from C to AB. Calculating twice the area of triangle ABC in two ways gives:

r.AB = AC.CB, or r . 3s/2   =   2s/2 . s/2 ,  whence  r = s/6.