SNUB This is the last of our Archimedean solids. It belongs to the snub family we looked at earlier. You can think of taking a regular dodecahedron, and pulling the faces apart, outwards from the centre. Each face is the rotated a little, for example in a clockwise direction, and placed so that the spaces in between can be filled with equilateral triangles. You might see the structure better with this colouring. If the faces are rotated in the opposite direction we obtain a snub dodecahedron with opposite orientation. The blue triangles correspond to the icosahedron which is dual to the original dodecahedron. For this reason, this solid is sometimes called the snub icosahedron or the snub icosidodecahedron.
The defect angle is 360° (4 x 60)° 108° = 12°. From our previous work, V = 720 /12 = 60. The number of faces is given under the title as You might like to count the various faces by type, and check out the way that they are arranged. Notice that this figure has a definite orientation. MathWorld gives some details about various measurements associated with this solid. Further properties As before, we can use this Java applet to play with each of the Archimedean solids. Take time to enjoy the different views. Look for special symmetries and nice arrangements of faces and edges.
Model making The making of the model of the snub dodecahedron involves a large number of faces. See this link for some details.
Vertex coordinates You can find a list of the Cartesian coordinates (without proof) for the vertices of a snub dodecahedron in Wikipedia. These are all the even permutations of (±2, ±2, ±2),
(±( + / + ), ±(- + + 1/), ±(/ + 1)), (±(/ + + 1), ±( + / ), ±( + 1/)), (±(/ + 1), ±( / ), ±( + + 1/)) and
(±( + / ), ±( + 1/), ±(/ + + 1)),
with an even number of plus signs, where The reference for vertex coordinates below contains a rather difficult proof establishing a set of vertex coordinates. References MathWorld : Wikipedia : Construction : Wenninger, M. J., Polyhedron models, Cambridge (1971). Cundy, H. M., Rollett, A. P., Mathematical models, Oxford (1961). Vertex coordinates: |