1 FNotreDameWWikimEricChanC11 2 FNotreDameNWindowWikimGaryToddC2  FNotreDameParisSWikimAlbertusteologC3

Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris has three gorgeous rose windows, one in the West wall, and one in each transept. • The West Rose Window  measures 10 meters in diameter.  Sadly, much of the window is blocked by the organ (as seen in the top photo.)  The window tells stories from the  Zodiac and the ‘Labors of the Months’. The latter depict scenes from everyday life in the agricultural society of the Middle Ages.  On the exterior of the window, there is a statue of the Virgin Mary with many angels surrounding her, as seen in the photograph below. • The North rose window is the largest of the three, measuring 13.1 meters in diameter.  Its main theme is the Old Testament.  As in the West Rose, the Virgin Mary is in the center holding Christ. •  The South rose window was deigned by Jean de Chelles and Pierre de Montreuil.  It was installed around 1260.  The main themes throughout this window are the Triumph of Christ, the New Testament and the symbolic number four.  The diameter of the window is 12.9 meters across.  The central medallion depicting Christ, is surrounded by four concentric circles. [Photo Credits: #1 Wikimedia Eric Chan ; #2 Wikimedia Oliver Mitchell ; #3 Wikimedia Albertus teolog ; #4 Wikimedia Jerome Blum ; #6 Le Monde1 ; #7 Wikimedia Gary Todd .]

WhiteTriangleLeft1     rose     WhiteTriangleRight1


4 FNotreDameParisWikimJeromeBlumC42  5  FNotreDameWWikimGarryToddC4

6 FNotreDameParisNLeMonde1C5  7 FNotreDameSC6    
