Misc. Notes
From an extract in a Scottish paper “The Scottish Field”, I came upon this knowledge of the Cant family. Dorothy CANT, in letter written 1984.
“Their progenitor is said to have come from Flanders (between France, Belgium and Germany), probably because of religious persecution. In the early days there was trading between Fife in Scotland, and France and Belgium. Fife was the earliest settlement of man in Scotland! (Just up above Edinburgh.)
In the 14th Century, William and Sithon Cant were tenants of the Douglasses, in the parish of Aberdour, Fifeshire, Scotland.
In the 15th Century, the name is found in the Exchequer Rolls. Some were dealers in cloth and supplied the King's household. (This is confirmed by letters written to the family in Australia (brown box). Also the name was found in Edinburgh in the 15th and 16th Centuries – a family of the name for long possessed “Masterton” near Dumferline. The hills between Glasgow and Edinburgh are named “the Cant Hills”.