Total Circuit : 55 minutes, 2 km


Detailed Map :

Leaving the Mabel Street Car Park, we proceed around Woorabinda Lake in a clockwise direction, bypassing the Stirling Park Track alongside the Lake overflow, before turning left along the Keroma Trail.  This is an attractive path through land dotted with stringy bark eucalypts.

After a short distance steps head up to the left, but we continue straight ahead.  Although in the map we leave the reserve here, the scenery stays much the same except for the appearance of wire fencing along the track.  Turn right and climb to Keroma Drive.  (An interesting side-track here would be to walk left down Keroma Drive for a short distnce to view Madurta House – a new ‘historic’ homestead of great character.)

Returning to the track (or straight across the road) we follow the Madurta Trail to arrive at a road T- junction.  Bogaduck Road?!  Perhaps this is a summer trail!

The Bogaduck track proceeds straight ahead of us, bordered by large ‘wild’ gardens.  I found this pretty flower on the track, but I fear it is an import.

There is now a right turn and we begin the designated Linwood Trail, climbing steps to meet the road.

The trail follows the road for a short distance before veering left back towards the Lake.

It is an easy walk through stringy bark country, accompanied by the serenade of kookaburras.

We finally reach the Woorabinda Lake Loop and proceed back to the car park.