We use the word lattice or point lattice to denote a regular infinite array of points in the planes or in space. A simple example in the plane might look like this:

Give a definition of a planar lattice in two ways:
(a) by using coordinates
(b) by using vectors (arrows).



Check your answer ...



We use the word lattice or point lattice to denote a regular infinite array of points in the planes or in space. A simple example in the plane is the integer lattice which looks like this:

Give a definition of a planar integer lattice in two ways:
(a) by using coordinates
(b) by using vectors (arrows).

We could represent this lattice as the set of all points with integer coordinates (a, b). A similar definition would hold in 3-space using integers (a, b, c), and in fact, in general n-space (if you are happy about that!) using integers (a1, a2, ... , an).

The alternative in the plane would be to define vectors u1 = (1, 0), u2 = (0, 1), and to define the lattice points by au1 + bu2, where a and b are integers. Here we would want u1 and u2 not to lie along the same line (to be linearly independent). We say that u1 and u2
generate the lattice. This method can also be extended easily to 3-space and n-space, with the vectors not lying in the same plane or (n–1)-dimensional space respectively.

Notice that it is the points which are important here – not the lines. You can easily draw a different set of lines for the given points.

The two definitions produce the same result, but the second is more useful, because by changing the vectors we can easily obtain more general lattices such as these (in the plane):


This last is the (equilateral) triangular lattice.


A linear transformation in the plane mapping point (x, y) to point (x', y') is a transformation of the type

x' = ax + by   

 y' = cx + dy   
or in matrix form,   

Examples below in order are rotation, reflection, (horizontal) stretch, and shear.

Now, are there any linear transformations which map the integer lattice onto itself? Experiment with different integer values of (x, y) and numbers a, b, c, d.
Write down several facts about a, b, c, d which you think will have to hold.

Then check your answer.




A linear transformation in the plane mapping point (x, y) to point (x', y') is a transformation of the type

x' = ax + by   

 y' = cx + dy   
or in matrix form,   

Now, are there any linear transformations which map the integer lattice onto itself? Experiment with different integer values of (x, y) and numbers a, b, c, d.
Write down several facts about a, b, c, d which you think will have to hold.

In your experimenting, you might have found:

(1) The constants a, b, c, d must all be integers. For (1, 0) maps to (a, c), and (0, 1) maps to (b, d), and each of these is assumed to be a lattice point.

(2) The constants a, b, c, d must satisfy ad – bc 0. In fact this is not necessary for the transformation to be linear, but if ad – bc = 0 the image under the transformation is not the whole plane. For in this case a/c = b/d, so a = kc, b = kd for some k, and x' = ky'  for all values of x, y – that is, the image is a straight line.

(3) Further, for the integer lattice L to map onto itself, we require that ad – bc = ±1. For if L maps onto L, then we can undo the effect with an inverse transformation L'. Solving the equations for x', y' backwards to obtain x, y in terms of x', y' we obtain

x = (dx' – by' )/(ad – bc),   y = (– cx' + ay' )/(ad – bc). (*)

Given that x, y are to be integral for all values of x', y', this means that ad – bc = ±1.

A linear transformation x' = ax + by, y' = cx + dy with a, b, c, d integers and ad – bc = ±1 is called an integral unimodular transformation.

IU Theorem A linear transformation T maps the integer lattice onto itself T is an integral unimodular transformation.

Proof () Assuming T maps the integer lattice onto itself, we have proved this above.

() Now assume that T is integral unimodular and acting on the lattice L. Suppose T maps L to a new lattice L'.

From   x' = ax + by,   y' = cx + dy, since a, b, c, d are integers, it is clear that every (x', y') is a point of L. This means that L' is at least a subset of  L. But does L' contain every point of L (that is, is L = L' )? Let (x*, y*) be an arbitrary point of L. We show that (x*, y*) is also a point of L'. We need to find x", y" in L such that x* = ax" + by",   y* = cx" + dy". Using (*) we choose

x" = (dx*– by* )/(ad – bc),   y = (– cx* + ay* )/(ad – bc).

(You can substitute these values in the equations for x*, y* to check.) Since a, b, c, d are integers, and ad – bc = ±1, so x", y" belong to L as required. This completes the proof.

Discussion of these concepts can be found in Coxeter [C] and Hardy and Wright [HW].

Further results

(1) The integer lattice can be regarded as the set of points {(x, y) = x(1, 0) + y(0,1)}. A more general lattice would be represented by {(x, y) = xu + yv} where u, v are vectors, not lying in the same straight line. With this representation, the above arguments continue to hold for the general lattice.

(2) In 2 dimensions, the number ad – bc is the determinant of the matrix  . In higher dimension n, the corresponding factor is the determinant of the n x n matrix of the linear transformation. Beyond n = 3, the difficulty of evaluating this determinant makes this only a theoretical tool.

(3) The segment which joins A(p, 0) to B(0, p) passes through the p – 1 lattice points (1, p – 1), (2, p – 2), ... , (p – 1, 1). The p – 1 lines from these points to the origin O divide triangle OAB into p smaller triangles. The two outer little triangles contain no interior points, but Bixley and Superko [BS] show that if p is a prime number, then each of the p – 2 inner little triangles contain the same number of lattice points.

(4) Two lattice points are said to be visible from one another if they can be joined by a line segment which does not pass through another lattice point. Abbot [A] shows that there is no infinite set of lattice points in the plane such that no one is visible from any other, and such that no three are collinear. Abbot also looks at the following interesting problem. Let Sn be a square array of lattice points, and let f(n) denote the least number of points in Sn such that every point of Sn is visible from at least one of the selected points. It is easily seen that f(4) = f(5) = 2. Abbot finds bounds on f(n).

If S is a set of mutually visible lattice points, Rumsey [R] asks how dense S can be in the lattice.

(5) In n-space, how many points of the integer lattice lie in a right simplex (triangle, tetrahedron ... ) bounded by the coordinate planes and an arbitrary plane? Lehmer [L] finds some bounds for this number.

(6) Kenmitz [K] observes that if we take any set of five lattice points in the plane, then there are two such that the connecting segment is bisected by a lattice point. He extends this to general dimension.


[A] Abbot, H. L., Some results in combinatorial geometry, Discrete Mathematics 9 (1974) 199 – 204.

[BS] Bixley, M. T. L., Superko, C. M. Problem E1455, American Mathematical Monthly 68 (1961) 806. Also appears in the book Mathematical Morsels by Ross Honsberger, Dolciani Mathematical Expositions #3, American Mathematical Society (“Sharing Lattice Points”).

[C] Coxeter, H. S. M., Introduction to Geometry, Wiley (Edition 2 1969) pages 51 – 54.

[HW] Hardy, G. H., Wright, E. M., An introduction to the theory of numbers, Oxford (Edition 4 1960) pages 27 – 28.

[K] Kenmitz, A., On a lattice point problem, Ars Combinatoria 16 (1983) 151 – 160.

[L] Lehmer, D. H., The lattice points of an n-dimensional tetrahedron, Duke Mathematical Journal 7 (1940) 341 – 353.

[R] Rumsey, H., Sets of visible points, Duke Mathematical Journal 33 (1966) 262 – 274.