The group idea     

We have seen that the (non-square) rectangle has just four symmetries: I, V, H and R. We find that we can actually set up an algebraic structure of these symmetries, in the sense that one symmetry followed by another gives rise to a symmetry in the set. We shall illustrate these combinations of symmetries of the rectangle, using a flag for demonstration (in much the same as we used the envelope previously). Click successively on two of the rectangles at left below. There are 16 cases to investigate!

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RESET                   Group Summary                                       

A reflection H in the horizontal axis

A reflection H in the horizontal axis

followed by

a reflection H in the horizontal axis

results in the identity I,

leaving the rectangle unchanged.

We write H.H = I.

A reflection H in the horizontal axis

followed by

the identity transformation I

results in a reflection H.

We write H.I = H.

A reflection H in the horizontal axis

followed by

a halfturn R

results in the reflection V in the vertical axis.

We write H.R = V.

A reflection H in the horizontal axis

followed by

a reflection V in the vertical axis

results in a halfturn R.

We write H.V = R.

The identity transformation I

(leaving the rectangle unchanged)

The identity transformation I

followed by

a reflection H in the horizontal axis

results in a reflection H.

We write I.H = H.

The identity transformation I

followed by

the identity transformation I

results in the identity transformation I.

We write I.I = I.

The identity transformation I

followed by

a halfturn R

results in a halfturn R.

We write I.R = R.

The identity transformation I

followed by

a reflection V in the vertical axis

results in the halfturn V.

We write I.V = V.

The halfturn R

A halfturn R

followed by

a reflection H in the horizontal axis

results in a reflection V in the vertical axis.

We write R.H = V.

A rotation R

followed by

the identity transformation I

results in a reflection R.

We write R.I = R.

A halfturn R

followed by

a halfturn R

results in the identity transformation I.

We write R.R = I.

A halfturn R

followed by

a reflection V in the vertal axis

results in a reflection H in the horizontal axis.

We write R.V = H.

A reflection V in the vertical axis

A reflection V in the vertical axis

followed by

a reflection H in the horizontal axis

results in a halfturn R.

We write V.H = R.

A reflection V in the vertical axis

followed by

the identity transformation I

results in a reflection V.

We write V.I = V.

A reflection V in the vertical axis

followed by

a halfturn R

results in a reflection H in the horizontal axis.

We write V.R = H.

A reflection V in the vertical axis

followed by

a reflection V in the vertical axis

results in the identity transformation I.

We write V.V = I.