NameGeorge Griffen CANT 
Birth17 Feb 1874, Second Valley, South Australia
Death1944, Hamley Bridge, South Australia
BurialHamley Bridge, South Australia
Misc. Notes
Birth, Death, Marriage : GOBELL Family History.
Children (with Florence): Leonard, Charles, Phyllis; (with Grace): Morris, Betty, Ruth, Helen.
Popular member of community. Testimonial appears in 'To find the way (Yankalilla and District 1836 – 1986)' – RF Williams p263.
Testimonial: On the eve of your departure from Second Valley, we the undersigned residents of the Rapid Bay District desire to place on record our great appreciationof the valuable services which you have rendered with untiring energy to each and every deserving object in the District during your residence among us. Most especially we beg to express our gratitude towards you for the able manner in which you have carried out your duties as Clerk of the District Council, Secretary Agricultural Bureau, Steward of the Methodist Church, and as a member of the Second Valley Hall and School committees, and for the assistance and interest you have taken in all other local affairs. We deeply regret that you are leaving us, but we know that our loss will be the gain of the locality to which you are going, and we hereby ask you to accept this address as a small token of the esteem and respect in which you are held by the residents of the District. ...
In his book 'Second VAlley', Ron Blum reports: George CANT, a local, who after trying his own hand at throwing the boomerang, forgot to duck when the object returned, striking him in the centre of his forehead. A lump dveloped on the spot and in later years it became cancerous, eventually causing his death. [The same George CANT?]
Death1921, Bullaparinga, South Australia
Death1954, Hamley Bridge, South Australia
BurialHamley Bridge, South Australia