Misc. Notes
Source: Ern MORSE.
When we were in England in 1967, we stayed a night in Sennen Cove, Lands End, Cornwall with [DOVE grandson] Alan DOVE and his wife Peggy who has since died. They lived in a very very old stone cottage with walls 4' thick. It was the wildest night outside you could imagine - really eerie - I could imagine the smugglers coming up through the cove. It was fine again by morning, and we went the short distance - half a mile or so - down to Lands End: wild, beautiful, and very rocky. There was a small shop there - of course - the last one in England, and Peggy said it had been built by her grandfather. Peggy was slightly psychic, and she told us all sorts of weird happenings that had happened in the house at different times. It all seemed in keeping with the night! The roof leaked on to our bed, so we had to move! [Thelma Scott 1988]