NameSheila Isobel DONALDSON

Birth24 Dec 1924, Dannevirke, New Zealand
Death20 Sep 2013, Gisborne, New Zealand
OccupationWaitress, Shop Assisatnt, Army Driver And Dispatch Rider
Misc. Notes
Sheila grew up in Dannevirke, the fourth child in the family. Growing up whe worked in a tea rooms, a confectionary shop, and then joined th Army in May 1943 as a driver and dispatch rider, working at Trentham, and Fort Dorset, Wellington. From 1950 she servved in Linton Camp, Palmerston North for seven years. This was followed by three months in Waiouru, where she met the paymaster, Felix SCOTT. They married and moved to Gisborne. After Fee’s death, Bert SCOTT helped Bobby and Ross find a house in Kaiti; they lived here for 25 years. Bobby waas involved in scouting from 1968 to 1992 as Akela, leader and trainer. She loves gardening. In 1993 she moved to her present Gisborne address of Elgin. In 2004 Bobby had a skirmish with bowel cancer. She visits elderly people, belongs to the Gisborne Baptist church, does aerobics and aquarobics regularly. [Sheila SCOTT]
Always known as Bobby by family members. Bobby is short and solid with dark curly hair, now going grey. She has always had a squint in one eye, and is now getting a little deaf. She is as alert as ever, good at remembering dates and names and past events.
Bobby is an extraordinarily supple person, easily standing straight-legged with her head down on her knees. She can still touch her toes at 83! She also has a wicked sense of humour.
Bobby died in a rest home on Friday 20th September, 2013. She had placed herself there, realizing she could no longer cope by herself. She was ready to die. Bobby was a grand old trooper, much loved by her extended family.
[Paul SCOTT]
Birth, Marriage: Bobby SCOTT.
BirthDec 1908, Plymouth, Devon, England
Death24 Dec 1967, Whangarei, New Zealand
BurialMaunu Cemetery, Whangarei
OccupationPaymaster, Waiouru Army Camp, Electrical Retailer
Marriage31 May 1957, Dannevirke, New Zealand