NameDavid George EVANS

Birth7 Jul 1932, 50 Cornwall Rd, Walmer, Kent, England
Death2 Dec 2020, Deal Hospital
OccupationMechanic, Mechanical Engineer
Misc. Notes
Born on the hour, midnight 6th July.
The war was a hazardous time for the children in other ways. David and Kathy collected shell-cases and often live ammunition from the nearby rifle range. One day David brought home a live mortar shell! David recalls lots of "scrumping" (pinching apples). During the war, Mary worked along the coast, and recalls a shell falling in a field next to her. A local farmer earned an OBE for carrying on farming in the war zone.
David went to work at the family garage, and then studied at a Technical College in Mechanical Engineering, where he won the top award in the country. He is now an F.I.M.I. (Fellow of the Institute of the Motor Industry). David married Sylvia RIGDEN in 1963; they have no children.
Birth, Marriage: self.