NameJohn BAKER 
Misc. Notes
The BAKERs lived at Moteo, and the swingbridge had not then been built. Later John BAKER bought The Nook, Springfield Rd. The house was burnt down, rebuilt, washed down the river in 1897, then re-established. Two rooms were added 1915-16. They made a return visit to England about 1923.
I have a note that says this couple had six children. [Paul SCOTT]
3/2/89 Visited "the Nook" on Springfield Rd off Puketapu Rd, district called Moteo. Little old weatherboard house, painted white with red corrugated iron roof, built up against the base of a steep grassy hill, and surrounded by trees. Gate carries sign "The Nook", and a short winding gravel drive crosses a ricketty low bridge over a stagnant pool, before passing between two giant old walnut trees to flat green area by the house. Inside, the house is lined with horizontal tongue and groove white painted boards - ceilings too. Old wood stove in the kitchen, old original bath. Dense garden close around the house. Nan Symon's daughter Margaret and her family live there - interested in family tree. Property covers about 40 acres. [Paul SCOTT]
Sources: Bid GRANT; Barbara PORTER; Nan SYMONS.
BirthMarhamchurch, Bude, Cornwall, England