Birth29 Mar 1812, Mildenhall, Suffolk, England
Death17 Oct 1889, Victor Harbor, South Australia
BurialOct 1889, Victor Harbor Cemetery, South Australia
OccupationFarmer, Labourer, Fisherman
Misc. Notes
Source: Tim Sandberg's Genaealogy Data Base.
Malen Rumbelow with his wife Alice (nee Pitches) and eight children decided to leave their home in Mildenhall, Suffolk, and journey to South Australia where their cousin, Mark Last, had previously settled in 1851. The family sailed from Southampton aboard the Pestonjee Bomanjee in 1854 with 300 other travelers. After a journey of 112 days, the travellers finally sailed into Port Adelaide on 7 October 1854. Malen and Alice set up house in Beach Road at Yilki, close to the Encounter Bay school, and the store and post office, on ten acres of land. Here Malen seems to have done a little farming, and work as a contractor. He also assisted at the whale fishery, in rendering down the blubber when a whale was caught. Malen carried on the fishing business with his sons as they grew older, and the women too had an important role to play, scaling, gutting and cleaning the fish, and selling it. The fish was smoked and once a week taken to the Adelaide market, until the Adelaide railway service was commenced from Victor Harbor in 1844. Mostly schnapper and mullet were caught, sometimes as many as 200 dozen mullet at a time.
Malen Rumbelow of Suffolk and Encounter Bay died in October 1889 aged seventy-seven. He left forty-one grandchildren (eight dead) and fourteen great grandchildren. [Settlers around the Bay - Laube]
Birth1812, Mildenhall, Suffolk, England
Death8 Dec 1890, Victor Harbor, South Australia
BurialDec 1890, Victor Harbor Cemetery, South Australia
Marriage16 Jul 1831, Mildenhall, Suffolk, England